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The Roots of my life go back as far as my Great Grandfather.  Gardening is a gene that has been passed down in my family from generation to generation.  It serves as a metaphor for life.  Deep strong roots keep you firmly grounded in tradition, passion and happiness!

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2020,  I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded A farm girls life! with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and it has been a wild success ever since.

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All Dressed Up!

Updated: Jan 6

Hey there my friend's and family! Isn't my little Jaylyn as cute as she can be?

She was going out to dinner with Mom and Dad so we got to play dress up! There is a large consignment sale that is about anything having to do with kids. It's in the Joplin/Carthage area and it's called Rhea Lana's! They have a sale in the Spring and in the Fall. The clothing is gently used and sometimes brand new. I just happened to find this little outfit for Jaylyn and I don't think it had ever been worn. When we can make it to the sale, we can pretty much outfit our kiddos for the season in a super affordable way! One of my sisters has been involved with this for years and I had never heard of it. When we received Guardianship of our grandsons, she got us a pass to shop early. We found some super nice stuff and we were hooked! My son and his family recently had a fire and lost their home! They got a pass to shop early and were able to replace most of the baby things they lost in the fire. This included a stroller, bassinet, car seat and a whole lot more. The sale is a real blessing and they also let foster families come in and shop for free! So, if you live in our 4-state area and you are interested in the sale, let me know and I will pass your name on to my sister! This sale is truly one of those rare gems we have in our 4-state area that people should really know about! Well bye for now! Tricia Peelen aka Farm Girl

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