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The Roots of my life go back as far as my Great Grandfather.  Gardening is a gene that has been passed down in my family from generation to generation.  It serves as a metaphor for life.  Deep strong roots keep you firmly grounded in tradition, passion and happiness!

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2020,  I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded A farm girls life! with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and it has been a wild success ever since.

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Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving

Updated: Nov 28, 2020

The night before Thanksgiving! Kind of like the night before Christmas. Except no baby lying in a manger and no presents! My little guys have been so wired! It's like they can just feel that Holiday buzz! I was trying to finish and send a document to DFS but I was having tech trouble! I'm sure someone who is more tech savvy probably could have gotten it done faster! I had to run to the grocery store to pick up our Thanksgiving dinner before everything I needed was all gone! (Have you ever waited till the last minute before and everything you need has been bought up!) I learned my lesson one year and I try not to make that mistake. I found everything I needed but you know what was empty again! The tolliet paper isle! I thought we had gotten past tolliet paper hoarding! Oh well! The great thing though, was I ran into my Daughter, who I don't see enough of now, on her lunch hour. She didn't have anything to do so she helped me shop! We just got done in time for her to go back to work! She was great help! So I hurried back home to relieve my husband. He had the boys! If you've read any of my post you know we try not to take them shopping. Their behavior is so bad! I relieved him so he could go do his chores. He had a bad water spill in one of his poultry houses! Ick and a lot of work to clean up! Our birds are about 50 lbs and there are approximately 34,000 birds on the place, spread between 5 barns. Sometimes they get excited at this age and they pull the water hoses off the ceiling. Well, it's just like turning on a faucet! I settled the boys down with a movie, "The Incredibles" it's a favorite! I try to let the boys take turns choosing movies. It's really important to them when it's their turn! Because they had so much energy we ran in circles around the house until they were ready to settle down! Then movie time again! All of this while I finally managed to get the the document to DFS, answered the phone and took messages for the farm and dressed the table for my blog! Oh and made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! While I was on the phone getting load out information for the birds, those big ole boys go out next week! My husband will be so relieved! Anyway my boys decided to get really loud while I was on the phone. I had to stop my conversation and roar at the boys to be quiet! The lady on the other end started laughing! I have a soft, young sounding voice! In 20 plus years she had never heard me roar! I'm glad someone was entertained! So I finished the table and made chicken 🐔 pot pie for supper. I make it with bisquick and it is a hit at our house! So I screen shot the recipe for all of you. The only thing I do differently is I add extra spices. 1 tbls minced dried onion, 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp of black pepper, 1 tbls of parsley. That's it, I put it in a casserole dish pour the breading on top and bake!

So the night before Thanksgiving that was my day! We are not having our Thanksgiving until Friday. I now have to work around grown kids and their schedules! That's okay though because tomorrow I'm going to practice smoking a turkey breast! Have a great holiday everyone and stay safe my friends!

FG Farm Girl

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