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The Roots of my life go back as far as my Great Grandfather.  Gardening is a gene that has been passed down in my family from generation to generation.  It serves as a metaphor for life.  Deep strong roots keep you firmly grounded in tradition, passion and happiness!

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2020,  I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded A farm girls life! with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and it has been a wild success ever since.

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Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes!

Hey there friend's! It has been rainy and stormy in Southwest MO, pretty much just like the rest of the country! Fortunately because we are further North we didn't get flash floods and tornadoes! This time! You truly never know what the weather is going to do! Well it's off to school we go! I'll pick this up later!

Now it's later! We had a good day! It turned out to be a beautiful day! It is Thursday, it is the day I drive all over the county with Izaiah! Instead of going to Headstart we go out to the rural school whose district we are in. Izaiah gets special services because he was so far behind his peers! He already has an IEP and he will go to Kindergarten there next fall!

Yes our schools are open for in person learning in the state of Missouri! I am proud of our state and I think reopening the schools last fall was the right thing to do!

So after all our running around today when I finally got home my husband was working on my garden. Yea! So I was able to get my tomatoes 🍅planted! If you are new to gardening check out my YouTube channel for gardening tips about planting tomatoes! Just look for Tricia Peelen on YouTube and you will find a channel for A Farm Girls Life! We played in the garden until our Turkey hunters showed up and my husband left to show them around. For those of you who don't hunt it is spring Turkey season.

We partner with an organization that provides opportunities for our wounded warriors to able to get out in the woods to hunt and fish even if they are handicapped! It's a pretty awesome thing that they do!

We don't hunt but we have plenty of wild game on our Farm! So we are more than happy to have Veterans come out and hunt. We get really busy and we aren't always able to give of our time. This is one way we can give back!

(Latest haul of plants! Gorgeous spring on the farm!) Sammy hung around and helped me lay sweat hose down. In my garden beds and then we mulched them. Then she and her Dad offered to make supper so I could finish in the garden! I spent the next 30 minutes liberating my Peonys and Lillys! I have to admit that I have neglected them for guite a few years. I have Fibromyalgia and a bad back that defeated me for a long time.

About a year ago I discovered Turmeric! It has to be the right kind. It has to be bioavailable. It has changed my life! I am not going to say that the Fibromyalgia is gone or the back is healed but for the most part I have the inflammation under control. I have been able to go back to doing the thing I love to do! I also discovered it about the same time our Grandson's came to us. God does answer prayers!

Well that's it for now! Talk to you later! FG Farm Girl

(Sunset on the farm! Always beautiful!)

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