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The Roots of my life go back as far as my Great Grandfather.  Gardening is a gene that has been passed down in my family from generation to generation.  It serves as a metaphor for life.  Deep strong roots keep you firmly grounded in tradition, passion and happiness!

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2020,  I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded A farm girls life! with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and it has been a wild success ever since.

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A Day To Remember!

Hey there my friend's! Today has been an unusual day for me. I took my Grandson, Izaiah, to the 🏫 School whose district we are in. We were there for an IEP meeting. We had been bringing him there for testing and they were finally ready to give us their recommendations. I really appreciated all the help and support we have had from Headstart and the school district! It really has been phenomenal and I wish that my own son had, had this kind of support when he was little! Maybe his life would have turned out better! Yes my son has been in prison. Not because he's a terrible person but because he makes really bad decisions! The therapist at school said that if we catch these issues early there is a good chance that Izaiah will be able to function more normally in school and in social situations! I so hope they are right! The weird, sad, thing about today was that thirteen years ago almost to the day. My husband and I were sitting at a room in that same school. We were there for an IEP meeting for our Son! He was in 6th grade and he was just now getting his IEP. Something we had been waiting for, for a long time! On the exact same date and time my Dad was dying in St John's hospital in Joplin. We new he was dying but we also knew that my Dad was a very practical man and he also knew how long we had been waiting for this IEP! We felt so strongly that we needed to keep this meeting that we, said our goodbyes the night before. My sister called me very early that morning to let me know that he was close to passing! I went down to my Moms house to pick her up and try to break the news gently. It turned out that another relative had already called her and was coming to get her! At that point I wasn't sure what to do? I wanted to go but I felt like I had to stay! I don't think I have ever decided if I made the right decision. To do something very important for the living or to get the chance to see my Father draw his last breath! Did he know I wasn't there? Did he understand? Our intention was to run down to Joplin as soon as the meeting was over. Before we got to do that, one of my sister's called to say he had already passed! We were too late! Did we do the right thing? I went to my parents house to field phone calls from the hospital and the funeral home. I went to his closet to pick out a burial suit. When the rest of the family got there they were so sad and so broken. They were having a hard time making decisions. So I stepped up to help make them. I couldn't let myself fall apart. I had a 5 year old litte girl who had her Poppy as she called him wrapped around her little finger! She did not understand what was happening or why everyone else was so sad!

My parents 50th Wedding Anniversary! My Dad was a very handsome man, but I don't think he ever believed that! As I was sitting there today all those memories were washing over me. I was having a hard time paying attention. The thing is, there wasn't a soul in the room who even knew my Dad! That's too bad because he was an exceptional human being

One of my Sister's had a dream several months later. It was about our Dad. She said he was putting on new white clothes, and he was full of joy! I can't believe it has been 13 years since our world was rocked, today it seems like yesterday! FG Farm Girl

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