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The Roots of my life go back as far as my Great Grandfather.  Gardening is a gene that has been passed down in my family from generation to generation.  It serves as a metaphor for life.  Deep strong roots keep you firmly grounded in tradition, passion and happiness!

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2020,  I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded A farm girls life! with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and it has been a wild success ever since.

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Wine Kitty

Updated: Jan 2, 2021

This is a picture of one of my kittens 😸 from this summer. I call him my wine kitty because I named him Merlot! I think I was stressed out and in my one glass a night before bed phase. Anyway one day I ran across this sign and I just had to have it! They go together! Merlot is such a sweet kitty and Merlot is a great wine!


It says, "You had me at Merlot!

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